We had a busy and fun day today! We went to the library to visit with Santa (and hit the book sale for lots of new kids books), we cut down our Christmas tree, hung out at Grandma and Grandpa's while they put up their tree and then came home to put ours up. It was also our first outing since we started potty training so that was interesting. Jack was afraid of the public restrooms but he did fairly well once we got back to Grandma and Grandpa's. It is still going better than I expected and I am encouraged at the progress!
Here is Owen meeting Santa. He almost looks like he might decide to like him in this picture
Now he is starting to realize he is with a strange guy with a fluffy beard
This is when he decided to let us know that he was unhappy about our choice in baby holders
Jack never even pretended to want to get near Santa. Having him on my lap was the only was to get him within 10 feet of Mr. Clause
This is as good as we were going to get!
Here we are arriving at the tree farm in a 20 degree snowstorm to cut down our tree
Owen with Grandpa searching for the right tree
Jack did a few face plants in the rough terrain
Owen checking out the snow
Daddy and Owen
Jack looking for trees
Owen with rosy cheeks after we got back in the car
Back at Grandmas and Owen is snuggling with the chair (He snuggles everything. He is quite the lovey baby)
Happy guy
Just being cute on the chair
He looks too old...he just isn't a baby anymore!
More snuggles
Owen and Jack sitting together and no one got hurt!
Owen "helping" with the Christmas lights

Jack wanted to help too

Here is our tree set up. We didn't put ornaments on yet. Hopefully we can get that done tomorrow and get some pictures of the finished product!