We went camping for the Holiday weekend with our friends. The boys loved it despite a few hitches. Owen got his first tooth this weekend and Jack got two new teeth (which led to some biting on Owen, poor guy). Our friends Dustin and Tracy got a party together for Jacks Birthday and he was spoiled with gifts. Owen has also become a master crawler and we finally got some decent video of it tonight. On to the pictures...
Jack on Mr. Dustins cool car
Jack trying to blow out the candles
Jack opening presents. Our friends are way too generous and spoil the heck out of him!
Jack showing off his new bouncy ball from Dustin and Tracy while Owen plays with his new truck from Trent and Julie

Owen doing some crawling
1 comment:
I love it! Is Jack getting the hang of steering? Looks like Owen is ready to get in some trouble!
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