The life and times of Jack, Owen and Ella Crossett

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Rest of the Goods!!!

I was putting Jack to sleep tonight and as always I was holding him next to his crib and giving him hugs and kisses. I told Jack "I love you" and he said "boat". I thought this was an odd response at first until I realized he was pointing at a boat hanging on his wall. I didn't realize he knew what it was or had ever noticed it. He proceeded to point out the "choo-choot" (train), car and blocks on his shelf. He also pointed out a stuffed dog and then started pointing and barking at the blocks on his shelf. It turns out he thought the Detroit Lions symbol was a dog but other than that it was impressive! Now on with the pictures and videos!
Jack hanging in his wagon
Watching the neighbors dog and being excited about it
Weird smile
He steals newspapers

Swinging some more
Owen getting ready to go out in the sun
My sweetie
Bath time
I really love this picture

Owen has turned totally insane in the bath tub

Jack showing off his B-ball skills

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