The life and times of Jack, Owen and Ella Crossett

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sick Boy

Owen came down with a nasty cold yesterday afternoon and it progressed really quickly. By last night he was having trouble breathing and we had to use the nebulizer we have at home for Jack (which we call the "silly straw"). Owen has watched Jack use it about a hundred time and has always wanted to try it so once he felt a bit better he was excited about having used it and I was asking him about it tonight. His little scratchy voice is so sad. He also clearly does not understand the concept of a video camera because he keeps saying "Cheese!" to me during this video.


Anonymous said...

Owensey!!!!!!!!!!! Poor little peanut.

Becky said...

He is the cutest!

Becky said...

Ahhhh he is so dang cute, come on mom take his picture already!

Becky said...

I watch this at least once a day.